Tuesday, December 6, 2011

SERAFIM ZONE - 009 - Review of D'ERLANGER live show at Tokyo, Shinagawa Stellar Ball - 27-th Nov. 2011 (russian version).

27-ое ноября 2011 года. Tokyo. Shinagawa Stellar Ball. Вечер...

Зал STELLAR BALL забит до отказа, причем контингент публики от девочек-подростков до взрослых волосатых неформалов старого разлива. Сегодня особенный день - заключительное шоу в туре THE BIZARRE FEAST группы D'ERLANGER, легенды японского готик-рока, кто в прошлом были родоначальниками собственного музыкального стиля "sadistical punk", стиля, в котором на данный момент играет немало последователей.

STELLAR BALL - отличная площадка с превосходной акустикой. Мы нетерпеливо пробираемся по залу и занимаем место почти у самой сцены со стороны одного из главный гитарных идолов Японии - Ichiro "CIPHER" Takigawa. Шоу вот-вот начнется...

Свет гаснет... Толпа поспешно напирает сзади, стремясь подобраться как можно ближе к сцене, нетерпеливо кричит... И вот, наконец, они появляются на сцене, один за другим: TETSU, SEELA, CIPHER, KYO - вечно-молодые, вечно-сексуальные рок-идолы, рок-легенды... 
И начинается волшебство...

Сказать, что D'ERLANGER фантастически и потрясающе звучат в живую - это практически ничего не сказать... Хочется лишь процитировать простое, но очень точное обещание TETSU: "We will rock you!!!"  
D'ERLANGER превосходно сыграны, настолько превосходно, что тебе кажется, что сердца музыкантов бьются в унисон друг другу, рождая шторм роскошной музыки - красивый, чувственный, страстный и пронзительный, словно жизнь, любовь и смерть в одном пьянящем фужере вина. Закружившись в вихре этого шторма, начинаешь чувствовать, что уже и твое сердце начинает звучать в унисон этой музыки, подстраиваясь под ритм бодрого баса SEELA и мощных ударных TETSU. Гитара CIPHER'a уносит тебя в мир ярких призраков, эмоции и чувства которых дышат в глубоком и проникновенном вокале KYO. Ты можешь плакать, можешь кричать и безумно прыгать, став частью огромного единого организма толпы зрителей, чутко реагируя на каждый взлет в небеса, на каждое падение в бездну этой сложной и необычайно красивой музыки D'ERLANGER. Роскошной, как готической роман... 

Горделиво вскинув подбородок, CIPHER безжалостно терзает струны гитары, заставляя её петь пронзительно и глубоко, словно забывшуюся в чувственном порыве женщину... Возможно ли услышать более страстные гитарные соло, чем эти? И нельзя точно сказать, отчего же больше глохнешь - от сценической громкости мониторов или от отчаянных взвизгов девушек-поклонниц в моменты, когда этот сексуальный гитарный дьявол подходит к самому краю сцены?... KYO хитро улыбается своей неизменной убийственной ухмылкой, заводя толпу в считанные секунды и заставляя её петь так завороженно и слаженно, словно он ангельский дирижер в небесном хоре... Ритм баса SEELA пульсирует в твоих венах, ударные TETSU отражаются в каждом стуке твоего сердца... И нет ничего более обжигающего и, одновременно, более нежного, чем картинка стоящих почти вплотную, словно в объятиях, CIPHER'a и KYO, так трогательно смотрящих в глаза друг другу...

Не прочь ребята и позабавиться, заставляя тебя откровенно смеяться над их веселыми шутками. 
Пока SEELA прилежно чеканит традиционное бас-вступление к live-версии An Aphrodisiac, TETSU, по-хозяйски повыкидывал в жадные руки толпы все его медиаторы. Игриво спросив друга, оставить ли ему последний запасной медиатор, он, после утвердительного кивка басиста, озорно вышвырнул со сцены и этот медиатор тоже.
Посреди сцены стоят друг напротив друга шикарные диванчики, на которые рокеры, дурачась, иногда присаживаются, закинув ногу на ногу. Пока TETSU, удобно расположившийся на диванчике, одобрительно кивая, слушал басовые старания SEELA, KYO отправился наверх. Деловито устроившись за барабанной установкой, он картинно скрещивает палочки, задорно бьет в большую бочку... Но вот появляется CIPHER, и вновь начинается шквал забористой музыки. Закончив очередную песню, CIPHER дразнит девушек медиатором, игриво протягивая его со сцены так, что даже самые длинные руки, как бы ни старались, никак не могут до него дотянуться... Чуть-чуть, чуть-чуть, еще чуть-чуть... Не выдержав серьезности своего мягкого кошачьего садизма, CIPHER поспешно отворачивается от девчонок, прыснув со смеха.
Зато TETSU несколько раз щедро разбрасывает по залу палочки, причем некоторые из них летят удивительно далеко... Всем известно, что барабанщики - народ сильный. 

Закончив шоу, группа неизменно возвращается на два последующих анкора под сумасшедшие вопли зала, который никак не хочет расставаться со своими любимчиками...

Уходя с концерта D'ERLANGER, чувствуешь, что душа поет в груди счастливой птичкой. 
И хочется еще раз крикнуть любимой группе - ОГРОМНОЕ СПАСИБО!! 
Спасибо за то, что вы есть...
Спасибо за то, что вы создали все это волшебство...
Спасибо вам, D'ERLANGER!!!... 

список песен тура: 

01. Crimson Crow 02. Masquerade 03. 影舞 04. My lips to overlip your lips 05. INCARNATION OF EROTICISM 06. Blanc-cheres roses- 07. Sensual Dance 〜 月光 〜 Sensual Dance 08. Singe et Insecte 09. 柘榴 10. an aphrodisiac 11. Loveanymore 12. LA VIE EN ROSE 13. dummy blue 14. SADISTIC EMOTION 15. SO… 16. Angelic Poetry 17. MOON AND THE MEMORIES

Официальный сайт D'ERLANGER - www.derlanger.jp

live review by daniel vice © 2011 special for SERAFIM ZONE 

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Friday, September 23, 2011

SERAFIM ZONE - 008 - TSUNEGLAM ANGEL SAM - 23 September 2011

Hello, hello, my dears!!
May I ask you... Do you love glam music?... Guess who is here for you now?...
Ta-da!!! I want to present this vivid glam angel for you!! 
Are you ready?!
Amazing Tsuneglam Sam (Young Parisian), from A to Z, for you... right now....


Tsune: This is a very strange story. A few years ago, I was looking at my childhood’s photo and there seemed to be white wings on my back. I asked my mother but she didn't know what they actually were, and I didn't even remember putting white wings on myself. Weird... They were really wings though.
By the way, I had MUSE. She was my angel, absolutely. Because of her, I could create songs. However, she has left me. It could be that her white wings actually were black wings...

Tsune: I am crazy about t-shirts! I may die under t-shirts, if the next earthquake happens.
dani: Yeah, I saw the part of your huge collection on the photos. It is awesome, really awesome…
Tsune: I can’t stop….

Tsune: Before I met Rock’n’Roll, I really loved YOUKAI (Japanese monsters) and professional wrestling. Especially Masked Wrestler. I liked people or things of strange appearance, so I naturally started to like Glam Rock I think. And as a child, I was a Karate kid. If I didn't become crazy about Rock'n’Roll, I could have been a Karate man by now??
dani: I guess that you could. :)

Tsune: DAVID JOHANSEN, JOHNNY THUNDERS, SYLVAIN SYLVAIN, ARTHUR KILLER KANE, JERRY NOLAN… I love them including their solo works that I am very much influenced by them. But we were intentionally avoiding NEW YORK DOLLS images and songs, when YOUNG PARISIAN was formed. One of the reasons why we were avoiding them was because there already existed DOLLS CHILDREN and THUNDERS CHILDREN influenced bands in Japan. Baileys, LUCKY STRIKE cigarette, tattoo and drugs, BRouge logo... I have left these for other people to do, and I just wanted to do UK Glam Rock. Right now I don't care so much though.

Tsune: I always wanna sing like ELVIS. People misunderstand me sometimes because my preferences in music are of underground areas, but what I like are Elvis, The Beatles and Sex Pistols. They are very Big name, but my taste is minority.
dani: He is a King!
Tsune: Yes!

dani: You love extraordinary people, aren’t you?
Tsune: Absolutely

Tsune: The ultimate type of ROCK 'N' ROLL is GLAM ROCK. It connects Rock'n Roll's present, past and future. That is GLAM ROCK. John Lennon said GLAM ROCK is “Rock & Roll with lipstick on”. The majority of the self-styled glam rock bands with lipstick in Japan are called J-POP.

Tsune: I really liked classic horror movies and Splatter. My favorite could be Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I have rarely seen them recently. I think, Reality is scarier than horror movies.
dani: I like old black & white movies without sound. Some of them had so great horror atmosphere. It is looks like living books. Reality is much scarier, because you can’t stop this in any moment like you can to do with movies.

Tsune: My name is Glitter Satelliter. My mission is to receive inspiration from space and to deliver it to Earth with glitter.

Tsune: Great glam rock star whom I love and respect with the same passion as my love for BOLAN and BOWIE. We might be the first band in the world to cover his songs. We did it earlier than DEF LEPPARD.

Tsune: MADNESS more than KINDNESS

Tsune: I want to keep seeing the illusion of singing in front of hundreds of audiences and even in front of a small audience, like the crazy old chanson singer.

Tsune: Neon lights shine beautifully in a soiled town at night. It is the same thing. The ominous earthquake darkened the nights of Tokyo. Then now, let's decorate myself with neon, at least.

Tsune: Some people call me Narcissist because I wear flamboyantly dressed on stage. But I think people on stage with casual clothes is way more narcissistic than I am. How confident you are in the clothes that you normally wear.
dani: I think that if you don’t like yourself nobody will like you. Narcissism is a natural thing for media people, isn’t?

Tsune: I admire strange things because I am an average, boring person.

Tsune: There was a Japanese guy playing punk during the Punk Movement in London. I was looking for Paddy for such a long time. When I found Faebhean (CUDDLY TOYS guitarist) in the Internet, I contacted him to ask where is Paddy, but nobody knew... One day, just before our live show, Paddy suddenly appeared back stage. That was a real surprise and I can never forget that feeling. We are close friends now. I have made a song for Paddy “PINK FAIRY" later on. Many miracles happen around me, but this story was the biggest miracle of life.
dani: Ah, I love him so much. He is a goddess. I wish I could to meet him one day also.

Tsune: It doesn't matter old or new, I love QUEER MUSIC from all over the world. However QUEEN didn’t influence me. Needless to say, I can never sing like that. My favorite song is UNDER PRESSURE. You already know the reason right? I love the black singer called Peter Straker, who is a good friend of Freddie's, more than Queen. I think he is the black JOBRIATH... He should have been the vocalist for Queen after Freddie died.

Tsune: RUSSIA? When I was a kid, my father traveled overseas. The places were China and The Soviet Union. So, my imaginations of overseas were those countries instead of America or Hawaii. My father put up a big poster of Lenin in his room, that RUSSIA became my dream place. I like Russian design art called Russian Avant-Garde very much. My favorite singer MARC ALMOND likes Russia too. I wanna go there one day.
dani: Would be cool to see your live in Moscow one day, dear…

Tsune: Not being TSUNEGLAM SAM everyday stresses me out.  

Tsune: Being TSUNEGLAM SAM is everything. He is the Glam God, who can even fuck a man on stage. At first I was acting, but now this persona is completely walking by itself and forming another character. And he is impossible to control!

Tsune: Todd Rundgren? If I seriously answer this... World without RACISM and world where people of SEXUAL minority will can live proudly. Racist, homophobia pervades around the political world in my country, which is far from Utopia.
dani: This is main problems of almost all countries now, I guess. Well… Let’s creating Utopia in the rock-world... It will be alternative reality for people who seeking Utopia in their life.

Tsune: I know I am not a very good singer. But I have a rainbow voice. I don't wanna sing with feelings to lyrics with deep meaning. I wanna be empty so I write lyrics without much meaning.

Tsune: Everyone wanted to be like Joe Strummer or Richard Hell, but I wanted to be Wayne County. Not Iggy, not Johnny Thunders... My Punk icon always was Wayne County. I still think so.

Tsune: I don't wanna express my true feelings, I don't wanna sing songs with real intention or pain. Clowns are the most respectable appearance to me.
dani: But is it feelings of TSUNEGLAM SAM personage maybe?
Tsune: Maybe… yes.

Tsune: YOUNG PARISIAN was named after the song of ADAM and THE ANTS. We were initially choosing between that and ZEROX but there was a Japanese company called ZEROX so we decided not to go with that name. There is JAPAN in UK, and there is HANOI ROCKS in Finland. There is YOUNG PARISIAN in Tokyo. We were expecting to disband by 3 years and turn to a YOUNG TEXAN like scum county band style, but being YOUNG PARISIAN is pretty fun so we remained as YOUNG PARISIAN.

Tsune: This best album in the world for me. I also love the moments between the songs, which are perfect.

Thank you so much for your cool answers, my dearest Tsune!! 
We all with you great success with your music always.
Stay GLAM!!!
Purple kisses for you!!

(art by Selvio, special for SERAFIM ZONE)

That's all for today. 
Tsune is real glam angel, don't you think so? :)
He is awesome, isn't he?
Please, don't forget about comments, because I want to tell you more next time!!
I wish GREAT DAY for dear Sam and for ALL my friends around the world!

your Daniel Vice




<don't use any part of this article without permission!>

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Hello, my dears!!
Today I have something really delicious for you all.
Today you have a chance to know more about one of the main japanese gothic legends... I present for you A to Z interview with angelic, diabolical, vampiric and beautiful creature Zin-François Angélique (Madame Edwarda and more). 
Enjoy your evening!!


ZIN: I still don’t know who they are. I still don’t know where they live. Do you? They must be kind of DEMONS as Brueghel wrote on his book. Angels against the God became to Fallen Angel equals to Demons as wrote in the chapter 12 of The Apocalypse in Holy Bible. 1/3 of the angels become to Demons in 9 days when this world born. Do you have wings on your back? I once have two wings before I fell to The Earth. And then Zin-François Angélique was born. I was once a Human. Now, I’m a Clone Human.
dani: I still don’t know who they are and where they live also. But I believe that we all have angels (demons) inside our souls. Humans want to be angels after death, but angels wants to be humans after death also. This is a spiritual circle, but only as brave dream or pure longing for spiritual evolution. Yes, I have a wings, but I still can’t fly, because I still very worldly and alive. I must to die to can fly again. As you said you have angelic spirit inside, but living like a human without wings. Anyway you still have an angel inside you. Aren’t you? So… I can say that I believe in angel inside your soul.
ZIN: OH! Why do you know about that? Yes, I believe I am a half-man/half angel equal to Clone Human (Fake Vampire). So, Maybe I have still have an angel inside me, yes. They (angels) seem to wants to set me free from this virtual living life. And…Sometimes They guides me to the 4th dimension through this crazy, crazy, crazy world.

ZIN: Beauty is like Endless Mirror. Beauty grows in the Endless Mirror. Keep shinning, growing and do not know where they want to go. Beauty wants to eat/bites human’s soul. And they call me from the Endless Mirror. Sometimes, I am in fear in the night. Beauty changes in the Endless Mirror. And no one is do not care about that. So my fear grows like dark ancient potion.

ZIN: Not the Jim Jarmusch’s Cinema Titles for me. Jim Jarmusch is talented filmmaker as many people says. However, I want to tell another story. They are Lovers. A lover needs each other. Gitane is not Angels. Gitane is Demons. Gauloises is not Demons, too. Gitane, Gauloises…these cigarettes are once my favorite cigarette.
dani: That movie is cool anyway, ahaha… Yes, you right. They are lovers. Coffee as a lover who does not gets you to fall asleep. Cigarettes as a lover who gets to you a last hope that everything is okay. You know, we had cool post-punk band КИНО (KINO) here, in Russia. They had a song Пачка Сигарет (Cigarette Pack). Good line from this song meaning that if you have the cigarette pack in your pocket it means that everything is not too bad right now.
ZIN: Cool post-punk band КИНО? I would like to listen to them. Anyway, I hope everything going well with Cigarettes as КИНО sing.

ZIN: I live like a Vampire. I sleep all day. I have no day life. I love Moon, Night, and Darkness.  My day usually start after Midnight. Sometimes, I need human blood for my inspiration. DAY LIFE Bites me.
dani: I live only in the night-time because of my night-job. But I find this job because of my natural inside time-cycle. Human’s blood is beauty for inspiration, but it has too much pain inside sometimes. It is one way when somebody gives you blood for fun or as sexual fetish, but other way when it’s blood falling the ground with a tears and pain. For first way you can make one kind of creativity, and so very different kind of creativity for another…
ZIN: I said that ‘’I need human blood for my inspiration’’ as metaphor. I do not really need blood for me. Off course I don’t want blood for my fun or as sexual fetish, too. I believe Blood is power. So I need blood (in fact, 60% of human body is water not blood). However, Blood make me too much pain inside sometimes, too. Blood including holy myth, I think.

ZIN: Supernatural Thing. The Earth does not believe in Human. They hate Human because Earthquake comes. Earthquake is like a dilemma of the Earth. The Earth screams like an angel sometimes. Therefore Earthquake comes.

ZIN: Many. Many. Many. Many. Many. Many. Many. Many. Many. Many. Many. Many. Many. Many. Many. It never ends. So, I could not write my favorite bands (artists/musicians). It will be thousand or more. I like Classic/Neo Goth-Death Rock, Glam Rock, Psychedelic/Art/Progressive Rock, Ambient Music, Medieval, Dark Folk, Celt Music, Experimental, Electro Body Music, Electro-clash, Original Punk, Art-Punk, French Wave, Cold Wave, Minimal Wave, Throbbing New Wave, Classic, Cinema sound tracks, and more & more. You know, it Never ends. I live with Music. I live with Music in this earth.

ZIN: My Love. My Blood. My Lover. My Child. But GOTHIC MUSIC is not my whole favorites. Please See section F – FAVORITE BANDS.

H – HATED THINGSZIN: Misunderstanding. Homo sapiens of this earth seems to be live in this World, this Misunderstanding World. For Human, It’s very difficult to communicate with words therefore Music was born.
dani: You are absolutely right!! Music, arts, any creativity it is international language for all.

ZIN: I know the story about ICE CREAM. Once upon a time, there is ICE CREAM. He is the bad man. His name sounds like an eye scream. Eye Scream is Doppelgänger of Mr. ICE CREAM the Transvestite, he/she like a sweet baby or maiden fairy. And I never knew his/her last name. And he/she never had no fun with the toys. ICE CREAM Sam, ICE CREAM Sam, woooo, I wanna be your toys. And ICE CREAM scream, “I knew there’s only one way out I've got to eat them”!! Maybe his full name is ICE CREAM for Crow. Maybe he is not Jack the Ripper but Chocolate Serial Cannibal Killer. Here’s the Heavy Metal Boys in blue. He always looks at you. You have Better Watch out!!!!!!! ICE CREAM hates Heavy Metal Boys and Heavy Metal Boys lived scary ever after. The story will be never ended.

ZIN: I once read about Jealousy in the Shakespeare's book “Othello”. Roderigo, who is desperately in love with Desdemona, expresses his jealousy of Othello's marriage to Desdemona. Marc Bolan once sung about Desdemona. I usually listen to this song ” Desdemona”. Besides, JEALOUSY is the song name of Marie Louise (My band in 1980’s).

ZIN: Kiss made by Adam and Eve, I think. Holy bible did not write about first kisses with Adam and Eve. It's the oldest game in the earth. Bryan Ferry sung in KISS & TELL as “Money talks about Kisses, and it never lies when Ten cents a dance. Kiss, Kiss, Kiss… Give and take - Eye for an eye. “ Maybe Gods never know about how to kiss. Gods do not need kisses.
dani: Yes, Gods do not need kisses, because it is too fleshy for Gods. Deep kiss as perfect sex-imitation… too alive for Gods…
ZIN: LOVE is Jack. LUST is Jill. Jack hates Jill. And off course Jill hates Jack… Is there love or lust? Learn how to tell if your relationship is based on love or lust. "There's nothing in the world like the devotion of a married woman; it's a thing no married man knows anything about." — Oscar Wilde.
dani: I guess, if looks on thing that way that love is pure and platonic and lust is dirty and sexual, so we can say that love and lust like a ying-yang thing. Angels and demons, white and black, light and dark and etc… Love and lust are twins. Terrible twins sometimes, ahaha…
ZIN: I guess so. Love and lust like a ying-yang thing. If something is missing, they transform themselves into Terrible Twins sometimes.

ZIN: My Rock Band’s name. My Love. My Blood. My Lover. My Child. Japanese Gothic Rock Legend, and go on to the future to creation. I’ve grown with this band. MADAME EDWARDA is not only Gothic Rock Band, but also Glamorous/Surrealistic/Majestic/Theatrical Art Positive Punk Rock band. More information available at: http://madameedwarda.com/

ZIN: Not My Dear, My Diva, My Lover, but Part of My Life, My Inspiration. Sometimes I spent all night to dance, drink, and off course, talk with my friends, Faerie Ariel, Legendary Creatures. We love talk about music, fashion, art, literature including keywords of undead faeries, Bela Lugosi, Béla Bartók, Georges Bataille, Heaven & Hell, Modern Dance, Hieronymus Bosch, Godard, Surrealisme, Dadaisme, and sometimes THE DEAD CLASS. Have you seen movie/act THE DEAD CLASS (by Tadeusz Kantor). Anyway, Sometimes I only met Zombie in Night Life. Do you know why? I do not know why. I love to read the book all the day, too.
dani: I meet zombies around me often also. Not only in the nighttime, but also often at the morning-time after holidays. They brains is dead for sure, ahaha…
ZIN: They brains is dead for sure in the morning. My brains must be dead when I lost myself in this pain of loneliness.

ZIN: It means to me as its imagery consisted of sort of a trance or dreamlike state, like reality was not quite reality. ORCHIDS are poison. ORCHIDS are untouchable innocent. ORCHIDS made mistake to be grown as Roses. An incomplete and unsuccessful attempt to escape the human condition by means of posing, artifice; all of which are conceived of as unnatural and therefore better than natural.

ZIN: My Blood, My Bones. Punk music inspires me when I was Teenager. I love to listen to them. Another music inspires me, too. I love to listen to them.

ZIN: I often quote Literature/Poem in my blog. Literature/Poem inspires me. Do you know Jean-Luc Godard use many QUOTINGS on his Cinema? I like his style/philosophy of making cinema.
dani: I love quoting in the creativity. It is good reverence for people who inspiring us for this creativity.
ZIN: Yes, I agree with you.

ZIN: Side-project of ZEUS MACHINA (MADAME EDWARDA). I started this unit called “ROMEO MIRROR“ with Yukino. Sound is not like the others. We’ll inspire you.
dani: ROMEO MIRROR is a very inspiring project, really.
ZIN: Thank you. However, ROMEO MIRROR will transform when we need.

ZIN: My STYLE. Life STYLE? Hair STYLE? Well, You know, “every thing” surely has STYLE. I like the surrealistic style of living like DALI did. I know nothing remains the same. STYLE is too. But, Spirit is Forever. It reminds me “The Song Remains the Same - Led Zeppelin”. By the way why Song Remains the Same? What do you love? I love crazy DREAMS. STYLE steals DREAMS. DREAMS steal STYLES. So, I love crazy DREAMS.
dani: Yeah, I love crazy dreams also. So… I love crazy styles. Style is a good way for self-realization. I hate trend, but I love style. Individuality…

ZIN: Do you asking about Kevin? Well, TAKAAKI NISHIMURA is Kevin…he have a talent. I believe in him. Guitarist of MADAME EDWARDA. Thank you.

ZIN: UMBRELLA means shadow. They designed by Human to protect against rain or sunlight. I wonder why they can live without rain or sunlight. So I believe UMBRELLA is not Dracula. By the way I like band called “UMBRELLA” formed in 1980’s. They are nice band. Please listen to their sound if you have a chance.
dani: Umbrella is like a personal shadow, personal darkness, personal protection. I don’t like to use this, but sometimes it looks pretty.
ZIN: How Cute. That’s why UMBRELLA exists in the earth.

ZIN: VISUAL is kind of GIFT, I think. You can see VISUAL in the somewhere landscapes. I can see VISUAL in someone’s silhouette. Everybody, Everything has VISUAL. Nowadays, VISUAL means Visual Rock for Some people, but not for me. VISUAL is kind of GIFT, I repeat. Visual is the only a part of all things. I prize not only Visual but an individual/original style (individuality) of creation (creativity). VISUAL is similar to Vision? If VISUAL is similar to Vision, Music will be made by Sound & Vision as David Bowie song “Sound & Vision”? Don't you wonder sometimes? About sound and vision? And I will sing, waiting for the gift of sound and vision. Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?
dani: I think that any idea can be realizing by music, by lyrics or by pictures in the same time. I love when things completing each other. Music and theatre together is like a shaman’s ritual in the Doors music for instance. Music and movie is looks great also. Visual things always were in the music performances. But I hate visual things without idea inside, just for some kind of mode and for such things. It is hollow inside. You absolutely right – visual is the only part of all things.
ZIN: You’re Right. I believe it means nothing without idea/creativity inside.

ZIN: Long story to tell. Well, WALPURGIS means Walpurgis Night in dictionary, as you know. However, CLUB WALPURGIS is not in dictionary. I found CLUB WALPURGIS in my dictionary. It says that Zin-François Angélique (Zinny Aerodinamica) organize gothic punk club called “CLUB WALPURGIS”. Join the Gothic Party & Have Great fun in Tokyo, JAPAN. More information available at www.clubwalpurgis.com

ZIN: Admiration. Or Remarkable, conspicuity, conspicuous, conspicuously, distinguish, dramatic, intense, manifest, marked, markedly, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, outstanding, prominent, prominently, salient, significant, stand out, striking? I do not understand what this Question meaning. Not an Ecstasy in Agony for me.

Y – YOU AS YOU ARE (who is Zin-François Angélique)
ZIN: It reminds me Principles of Philosophy (Les Principes de la Philosophie) of René Descartes. Yes, I am what I am, off course. By the way, you are what you are? I am Zin-François Angélique like dark side of the moon. My other dark side of the moon is Zinny Aerodinamica. Zinny Aerodinamica is My DJ Name. About the Principles of Philosophy, this Philosophy was born by this Latin word “Cogito, ergo sum (cogito = I think, ergo =therefore, sum = I am)”.  Read, as many books as you can while you are young. Listen as much music as you can while you are young. Do, as many things as you can while you are young.
dani: That’s great way for life I think!! I am not too young already, but I will never stop to living that way.

ZIN: ZEUS MACHINA sounds like deus ex machina in Greek era’s ancient act. ZEUS MACHINA is The Band. I formed this industrial influenced glamorous Gothic Band “ZEUS MACHINA” in 1998. Yukino joined as a Guitarist. More information available at www.zeusmachina.com

Thank you so much for your luxury answers, dearest Zin!! 
We all with you great success with all your cool projects.
Stay so amazing!!! 
Angelic kisses for you!!



(art by Selvio, special for SERAFIM ZONE)

That's all for today.
That was so huge pleasure for me to talking with Zin. 
He is amazing, isn't he?
Please, don't forget about comments, because I want to tell you more next time!!
I wish GREAT DAY for dear Zin and for ALL my friends around the world!

your Daniel Vice

SERAFIM ZONE Back Number: 

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Sunday, August 14, 2011


Hello, my dears!!!
Today you have a chance to know many interesting things about hot and sexual Takaaki "KEVIN" Nishimura (Foxpill Cult, Madame Edwarda, Darkside Mirrors).
Are you ready for this?!
Okay! Enjoy it!!!
Today we have some dark chocolate with sexy Takaaki in this from A to Z interview!!


mmm... If she had lovely face, I would say I believe.

I don't really like the backstage. I love the stage and daily life. Backstage is in between, so strange space. Backstage must die!!!!

I like it, but too black.
dani: Mmmm… With a cognac maybe?
Takaaki: No, with milk. But when I drink milk, I have a stomachache. Milk is devil's drink.

I've spent three years in DARKSIDE MIRRORS (2007 - 2009). Those three years it was just gig most of the psychedelic days. I am guitarist but I played noise in rock’n’roll music and rock’n’roll scene. Sometimes, I play rock’n’roll music in Japanese noise music scene. It's wonderful experience, and in the same time very hard work. My sense as a gutarist is grown up with the DARKSIDE MIRRORS.

Japan, back and back to living in an earthquake. But whatever the reason, it is sad that people get injured. And it is sad that nuclear power has created too much hatred. I pray and believe the stricken area to revive.
dani: Around the world we pray for Japan in our hearts… Japan is great country with strong spirit in people. I am admiring of power in hearts of all people in Japan.
Takaaki: I appreciate your kindness.

My raison d'etre. FOXPILL CULT is present in my yin and yang. FOXPILL's life is just spreading and contraction. This is gentle and transient on the outside but tough on the inside. It's like water. This band like water does not belong anywhere. It's my policy. Now members are gutar&vocal, noise pianica, metal percussion. We are organizing the event ourselves. Please check out my event POTLATCH DEAD.

mmm...... Painted wood and painted metal. And too expensive. But I love, love, love my guitar!!!!
dani: Because that painted wood have a personal soul, isn’t?
Takaaki: I don't want that wood have a personal soul. If I will be painted wood, I would to kill the man who paint and cut me. And I wouldn't that somebody will touch my naked body. So wood must die for guitar.

Takaaki: To make Japanese rice bran pickles.

Takaaki: I think that the real artist should have an independence spirit. Monopoly desire that artist holds in his tune is makes the tune stouter.  However, The child must grow up through the rebellious stage.  I am producing everything (REC,PV etc....) by myself in FOXPILL CULT. But I don't think it is great to do everything yourself. So in the next stage, the thing to throw away the child whom the I loved to the unknown world is an adult responsibility.  Otherwise, the song will not meet anyone to die. But I might not part with my child.
dani: Yeah, when you do everything by your hands it is 100% author product. But sometimes it is not rebellion just necessary. When you will free your hands from some parts of this job, you will be have more time for another moments. I guess musician just need to save balance self-production and professional help from others. That balance that this musician need for personal project.
Takaaki: Totally!! But I think independence music is interesting because the music is a precarious balance. The balance improves by relations of the many people, many thoughts. Therefore, the less number of people is the better for underground music.

Takaaki:  I love Japan. It's because I cherish my friends and family. I have many Japanese friends because I live in Japan. Knowing own country is to know myself. I like to breathe deeply in the temple, to drink tea everyday. That much but I think it's wonderful.

Takaaki: “I was made for lovin' you baby”.
dani: “You was made for lovin’ me!!” Hell, yeah!!!
Takaaki: Hell, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!

Takaaki: I think lust it is hopes, the thirstier thing.  I think love is wanted to give enough to be given. It will run away by the search.

Takaaki: Of course, MADAME EDWARDA is cool band. One of the few favorites Japanese goth bands for me. But I'm not original member of MADAME EDWARDA. So I have very mixed feelings. However, I have a belief when I'm on the stage. People say MADAME EDWARDA is one of originator of Japanese goth music. But I think there is no means. As long as we keep playing the our music now… We will keep rotting.

Takaaki: I love it. However, anything doesn't remain. So something is rarely born.

Takaaki: Human race's mirror. But it's like a beautiful black hole.
dani: All people have a beautiful black hole in their eyes…in their souls… yes? We all have a ocean or cosmos inside…

Takaaki: Nothing. I know I will die. And I will take a shit tomorrow.
dani: So…Let’s living today?
Takaaki: Yes, I living today.

Takaaki: Ugly life. There is no means but fantastic.

Takaaki: I believe the scientist more than rockstar.

Takaaki: It is strong beliefs of musician but sometimes it's self-advertisement tool… I feel the charm in the music of strong beliefs and love. As for music where it exists, any genre is wonderful. I hate style as self-advertisement too, because there is no love.
dani: You right, This is really too bad when style is turning in brand. It is hollow thing. Just for advertisement, nothing else…

Takaaki: He smells good.
dani: Like a dark chocolate? :)
Takaaki: No. Durian.

Takaaki: Spending time on education is so great. University is one of many choices. I don't learned music at university. But that knowledge is useful for music and my life.
dani: Yeah, I think that any education include self-education is good always. Never know what knowledge you will need in your life.

Takaaki: Garlic boy.

Takaaki: Garlic.

Takaaki: X-TREME falls easily into cheap pleasure. I think ultimateness is born from keeping the balance.

Takaaki: Yukata is X-TREME pleasure.

Takaaki: I just know that ZIN likes the dumplings.
dani: Hmmm… So interesting information for Zin’s fan-girls, isn’t?
Takaaki: Yes, But they will want to kill me for silence.
dani: Ahhahaha :)

Thank you so much for your pretty answers, dear Takaaki!! We all wish you great success with your music always!!
Stay so dark sexy and amazing as you are!!

(art by Selvio, special for SERAFIM ZONE)

That's all for today.
Takaaki is so really hot and sexy, yes?! 
It was really cool to talking with him.
Please, don't forget about comments, because I want to tell you more next time!!
I wish GREAT DAY for dear Takaaki and for ALL my friends around the world!

your Daniel Vice


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Sunday, June 19, 2011

SERAFIM ZONE - 005 - COOL'N'PUNKISH FJ - 19 June 2011

Hello everybody!! 
Today I want to tell you that I am a very huge admirer of the awesome and dark experimental band Dakuu. This band is very special for me always. If you still don't heard Dakuu - do it right now! They are really kick-ass and rocking!
So... Today is cool day. I want to present you the A to Z interview with amazing person and talented musican FJ from Dakuu. I love him so much! He is my mental brother. Yeah!! This is it... Let's read and enjoy it... C'mon!! 



FJ: Do you remember a band called Angel? Anyway, when I was a child, I often read Greek myths, but I don’t know a lot about angels. But what about an image of this word, I like it. In Japanese this word is Tenshi. And there are some masterpiece songs named Tenshi or Angel. For example: Kitamura Masashi's song “Tenshi”. (Kitamura was an originator of Trans/SSE records, Fools Mate Magazine,YBO2, Differance, Canis Lupus) 
dani: Awesome! I also like Criminal Angels by Der Zibet. Sounds so mystic. I think would be cool to do such angelic compilation.  
FJ: My musical career started with guitar when I was fourteen. Originally, I am a guitarist.

Later after playing guitar, I started compose original tunes and home recording with 4tracks tape recorder, because copying famous band songs was difficult for me. So I was needed bass sounds for multi tracks recording. At first I used guitar-synth for bass part, but it was not good bass sound. So I got a my first bass guitar when I was fifteen. I think I am a guitarist, but most people or bands wanna get me as a bassist. People says my bass play is active and melodious. I think my bass play is very guitaristic. The bassists who influenced me are Paul McCartney, Kitamura Masashi, Simon Gallup. Some people says my bass play is similar to Peter Hook, but I don’t think so. 
dani: Yes, indeed, I think so too! Your bass-lines is very guitaristic. I love this in your bass-playing so much! 

FJ: When I was child? I was introverted, not active. I was liked play inside home, drawing, reading books, singing. When friends said: "hey, lets do baseball!" (or football), I always go away from them. 

FJ: Dakuu was started in 2007. At first, Asa was looking for members for forming new band. She wanted to form band with some words as theme. The words were "positive punk", "dark and noisy", "junk", etc. She said she loves The Birthday Party, Lemon Kittens, PiL, Einstruzende Neuabuten, Swans, NO NEW YORK, BAUHAUS, Sonic Youth, The Cure, Diamanda Galas, early industrial musics, etc, and wanna form new band influenced by them. At first she asked me playing guitar or bass, so I suggested using rhythm machine and inviting Morimoto as guitarist. This name – Dakuu - was named after YBO2 song called "Sora ga Ochiru". "Sora ga Ochiru" means "Sky falls down". "da" is Kanji letter of "Ochiru", means fall, drop, corruption. "kuu" is Kanji letter of "Sora", means sky.

FJ: I wanna make the music like the jewel with eternal shining that never goes out.

F - FJ 
FJ: My family name is "Fujii". "Fuji" means wisterias. FJ is abbreviated letters of Fujii.

Personality of FJ? Mmm, lazylech

FJ: Stratocaster is best for me using by myself. In Dakuu's history, there are two guitarists, present guitarist Mark, and former guitarist Morimoto. Both are good guitarists, each one has his own guitar style and tone. Morimoto's guitar play is very improvisation style, his tone is very treble edged and very strange, little bit similar to Keith Levine. Mark's guitar play is more distorted and noisy. His guitar sounds made Dakuu become simple, punkish, powerful. I think his guitar play has New York underground taste though he's from England. My friend says Mark's guitar tone is just like barbed wire. Exactly!

FJ: Human being. Hippies. Ideology. Vertical relationships with violence in the scene around some old bands at land of rising sun.

FJ: I've never seen it.

FJ:  Yeah, "Gentleman takes Polaroid" is best! Lol Mick Karn (RIP) is one of best bassist! David Sylvian is also great musician. Well, are you talking about a country called Japan? Yes, I am really Japanese and I love Nippon.
dani: RIP Mick… He was so great…

FJ: "Your small act of kindness will make our community a more pleasant place." - from The NEW ANCHOR ENGLISH DICTIONARY-

FJ: Sometimes I like to be alone, sometimes I feel lonely when I’m alone.

FJ: I've never known this word before "MUNDUS PATET" CD. I heard its like Japanese "Obon". "Obon" is a kind of Buddism festival for welcoming dead human's spirits returning their home.  That CD is nice. Dakuu's tracks have worst sounds quality on that CD, very rough low sounds (but I like it).
dani: DAKUU sounds so raw and this is awesome!! I am HUGE fan of DAKUU's part of Mundus Patet! 

FJ: Sometimes, people says: the bands that have dark taste like Dakuu are "negative", but I don’t think so. We are very healthy and positive band. Destruction for make progress is positive. It is not negative nihilism. Nietzsche said: Be a superman.
dani: I think so too. We can't be positive without negative vision. When I see or hear negative things it push my mind in the searching of positive final.

FJ: I think I’m not optimist. Maybe I'm reverse of it, well, what is it in English?
dani: Pessimist. But I guess that you are the realist just like me.

FJ: I was taught to I can do it myself after Punk. When I was a junior high school student, most of student who likes music were metal kids. They were crazy about fast picking metal guitar solo. But I couldn't enjoy it. I was bored. Then, I was find great Punk and post punk music. First LP of The Damned, Pubic Image Ltd, BAUHAUS, Siouxsie and The Banshees, etc. And I think "yes, there are no need to learn methods, I can do and make my own way by myself".
dani: Indeed!!! We are not metal kids, we all punks inside. It is like a peg inside and we can string any things we need on this. I guess it's main reason why - PUNX not DEAD, PUNX UNDEAD

FJ: I adore about the musician who has both of quality and quantity, just like Prince. But my composing pace is slow. I cant make so much. So quality is important for me.

FJ: Maybe, it is hiding deep in my mind. I think it’s not so important for music. But sometimes I feel dissatisfaction about environment of Japanese music and some of elder bands. Is it rebelliousness?
dani: I guess alternative (underground) music scene is some kind of rebellion always.

FJ: When I was fourteen, I got "For Never" double LP of The Stalin. Its their last live record. That psychedelicful sound made me crazy. Their sounds are exactly punk, hardcore but its also has very dark, doomy, very native, psychedelic taste. It reminded me my favorite band The Doors. Of course, Dakuu is influenced by The Stalin.
dani: Yes! The Stalin reminds me The Doors too. And Bauhaus sometimes. The Stalin is mast cool punk band for me ever! DAKUU has same atmosphere sometimes. Very raw-vivid but dark-gloomy. I love this really!

T – TREASURE  (of your life) 
FJ: Music. Time that flows slow. Nature. Women. Girls. Boys. Lipsticks.
dani: Lipsticks? That's so fetish and hot!!

FJ: I am straight, but I like to be dressed up girls clothes. I don’t know why. I had interesting about it since when I was child. Sometimes I feel if I change my sex freely, sometimes male, sometimes female. Sometimes I want cool beautiful boobs on my body lol. Pervert? lol
dani: No!! Boobs is really cool!! So… why not?! :) 

FJ: First, and this is important, I am NOT Visual-kei. Opposite. Anyway, visual is important for rock music. Just like Bowie. Someday, I wanna make visual appealful stage art and movie clips of Dakuu. 
dani: Yes, I know about your position. It is main reason why I ask you about. I guess we have big difference between visual (like Bowie, Bauhaus, The Stalin, other cool bands with concept looking) and fashion visual key (for fun and cool-looking, nothing more). I was tried to talking with one person about this, but that person said that visual key it is music style. Nonsense? When I heard your opinion about visual and visual key I was think - FJ telling very close things for my mind and soul.

FJ: I am not strong. Weak mind sometimes make something crazy.

FJ: When the music occur chemical reaction (just like best chemistry in bedroom)
dani: It sounds very exciting! :)

FJ: He is a good musician. Original bassist of Killing Joke.

Anyway, I think getting old is not so bad. Musicians don’t get old. Is it due to magic? Since we met wizard? Ancient times, all musicians were kind of wizard or alchemist, you know.

FJ: I don’t know a lot about Zombie. Maybe I should watch some famous zombie movie.
dani: I guess all you must to know about from movies thats you must shooting in the zombie’s head to kill them, ahaha. :)

Thank you so much for your awesome answers, dear FJ!!
I wish you and Dakuu ALL the BEST always!!
We are your huge admiers forever!!


(art by Selvio, special for SERAFIM ZONE)

That's all for today.
FJ is really so cool and sexy, isn't he?!
Please, don't forget about comments, because I want to tell you more next time!!
I wish GREAT DAY for dear FJ and for ALL my friends around the world!

your Daniel Vice


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